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xml2eldb errors, reasons and correction

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xml2eldb errors, reasons and correction
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xml2eldb result Cause Solution
Parse result code: <number_other_than_null> XML-file contains syntax errors Correct syntax errors in an XML-file. To find errors, use a browser (e.g. Mozilla Firefox): a browser indicates errors when a file is opened.
XML validation error: <f> tag count does not confirm to table schema Number of tags <f> inside <record> does not correspond to schema
XML validation error: field One of the fields in a table is described incorrectly «name» or «view» attribute of the tag <field> is not described, or is an empty string.
Parse result code: 00000000.
Table is empty
When converting, there are errors with adding records Run xml2eldb with -d option. A detailed information about adding each entry will be displayed, so you can easily find an error.
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